Dr López-Guerrero summarized the concept of SPREC codes and the data from previous reports analysing the experimental evidence in the literature that supports the effect of preanalytical conditions in which biological samples are obtained in the outcome of EV isolation and characterization. SPREC codes are meant to standardize samples among different laboratories and biobanks. There are SPREC codes for both biofluids and tissue samples.

We had a discussion on how to proceed taking into consideration several aspects:

  • ISEV standardization initiatives are for some fluids quite advanced. They however do not pay much attention to preclinical sample conditions. EV Track does not either.
  • We do not want to impose “optimal” sample conditions, since these depend on several parameters, and for scarce samples or in certain clinical conditions, optimal sample acquisition may not be possible.

However, it may be a good idea to reflect on which preanalytical sample conditions may affect the outcome of EV samples based on the experience of several groups in the network. Some of these parameters may be important to be included as new SPREC codes for future standardization of EV samples.

Taking all that into account we decided to make an online survey (I will prepare it) to GEIVEX members trying to recall

– common preclinical sample parameters currently in use

– evidence of preanalytical conditions GEIVEX members are aware affect the outcome in EV isolation/characterization.