Dear GEIVEX members,
The second round of 2022 GEIVEX Mobility Fellowships is now open! These fellowships provide funding to promote exchange visits between laboratories, to strengthen EV-driven research and collaboration between institutions to contribute to the development of high quality research on Extracellular Vesicles by members of our non-profit organization. They are particularly intended for the benefit of Early career researchers. In this call, we will fund two fellowships with a maximum of 1500 € each. Applications should be sent to secretaria@geivex.org before November 18th 2022, indicating in the subject “GEIVEX mobility fellowship 2022” and the name of the applicant. The results of the call will be communicated to the awardees before the end of the year, and published on our webpage. GEIVEX Mobility fellowships will cover travel and accommodation expenses of exchanges between a GEIVEX-associated researcher and a GEIVEX-associated laboratory.
Fellowship applications should comply with the following conditions:
1. Activities eligible for funding: traveling and lodging expenses only. These must be incurred during a stay of a GEIVEX researcher in a GEIVEX host laboratory for a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of three months. Under no circumstances will the GEIVEX Mobility Fellowship cover expenses beyond the maximum amount of 1500€.
GEIVEX Mobility Fellowships are not intended to finance expenses associated with attendance to scientific conferences or workshops.
2. Requirements: Both the recipient of the fellowship and the Principal Investigator of the host laboratory should be GEIVEX members in good standing.
For informative purposes you can find a list of GEIVEX groups here
However, this is not a closed list, so if you plan to move to a lab that is not listed, please contact us so we can check their elegibility.
3. Documents to be provided (in English):
- Completed application form (see below)
- CV including list of publications of the last 5 years of both the applicant and the Principal Investigator of the host laboratory
- Motivation letter (max. 1 page)
- Project outline (max. 1 page)
- Experimental work plan (max. 1 page)
- An estimated budget.
- Letter of confirmation/acceptance and recommendation from the host laboratory that includes the title of the project proposed.
All applications should be sent as a single pdf file with the format ApplicantName_GEIVEX mobility 2022 to secretaria@geivex.org. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated. An email confirming receipt will be sent to applicants.
4. Evaluation Criteria:
Applications will be evaluated by the following scientific panel of GEIVEX board members:
Dr. Javier Sotillo
Dr. María Pardo
Dr. Jose Antonio López Guerrero
Dr. Mercedes Zubiaur
Dr. Marcella Franquesa
Dr. María Yáñez-Mó
on the basis of scientific quality and interest for EV field.
– Early career researchers will be prioritized, as well as applicants with longer GEIVEX membership.
– The Evaluation Committee will inform the GEIVEX board of the number of fellowships and the funding awarded to each one, up to a maximum of 1500 €, as allowed by the association budget.
– The resolution of the Evaluation Committee is final and will be published on the GEIVEX webpage. The title of the funded project will be also published on the webpage, however, the objectives will not be disclosed until the stay has concluded. The Evaluation Committee will not enter into correspondence with the applicants.
5. Fellowship payment
The recipients of a fellowship will provide GEIVEX a bank account number for transfer of the granted fellowship. 500 euros will be transferred to the researcher bank account before initiating the stay. Once the visit has ended and after inspection of the appropriate invoices by GEIVEX, the Fellow will receive the remainder justified amount of the fellowship.
6. Fellow responsibilities.
Once the GEIVEX-funded mobility stay has concluded, the Fellow should provide GEIVEX with:
- All invoices that substantiate his/her expenses. If the expenses indicated in the invoices provided are less than the amount awarded, the Fellow should refund the difference to GEIVEX. If expenses are not justified correctly, the fellowship should be refunded to GEIVEX.
- A brief report describing the activities carried out as well as the benefits to his/her scientific development. This report could be published by GEIVEX.
- A short video (1-2 minutes) commenting the stay and benefits for the ESR carreer
- GEIVEX Mobility Fellowship should be acknowledged in any publication or abstract that includes the data obtained during the stay.
- Fellows could be requested to give a short talk at the next GEIVEX Annual Meeting
Application Form