June 14, 2022

Bioimplants with extra-cellular vesicles from stem cells can improve cardiac function after an acute myocardial heart attack

Researchers from the ICREC Group (Cardiac Insufficiency and Regeneration in cardiovascular diseases) at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) continue to work on therapeutic technologies to repair cardiac tissue after a heart attack in collaboration with the IVECAT group (IGTP). In an article published in Theranostics, they present a study of extracellular vesicles […]

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May 4, 2022

Characterization of plasma circulating small extracellular vesicles in patients with metastatic solid tumors and newly diagnosed brain metastasis

A new piece of work from Dr Peinado´s group in which the medical oncologist Alberto Carretero, co-supervised with Guillermo De Velasco Oria de Rueda and Marta Herguetas characterize in depth circulating EVs from patients with brain metastasis. The manuscript is available at

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May 3, 2022

Tetraspanins interweave EV secretion, endosomal network dynamics and cellular metabolism

As part of a Special Issue on EVs on the European J Cell Biology, Víctor Toribio and María Yáñez-Mó discuss how tetraspanins regulate endosomal dynamics and thus impact on EV secretion and cellular metabolism revieweing intriguing new data on this interesting superfamily of proteins. The manuscript is freely available to the scientific community at

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April 28, 2022

Commonly used methods for extracellular vesicles’ enrichment: Implications in downstream analyses and use

As part of a Special Issue on EVs on the European J Cell Biology, a nice update from Dr Borrás group on EV enrichment techniques that will help in decision making for downstream analyses. The manuscript is freely available to the scientific community at

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April 25, 2022

The Contribution of Extracellular Vesicles From Senescent Endothelial and Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells to Vascular Calcification

A mini-review article from GEIVEX members Dr Consuelo Borrás and Dr Matilde Alique. Vascular calcification is an irreversible pathological process associated with a loss of vascular wall function. This process occurs as a result of aging and age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular and chronic kidney diseases, and leads to comorbidities. During these age-related diseases, the […]

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March 30, 2022

ALK-Fusion Transcripts Can Be Detected in Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) from Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines and Patient Plasma: Toward EV-Based Noninvasive Testing

A great work from the group of Dr Mariano Provencio and Dr Atocha Romero in collaboration with other TeNTaCLES members Dr Valés-Gómez and Dr Pardo. The manuscript is freely available to the scientific community at https://academic.oup.com/clinchem/advance-article/doi/10.1093/clinchem/hvac021/6554744#.YkH0kcWcq1s.whatsapp

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February 11, 2022

A simple immunoassay for extracellular vesicle liquid biopsy in microliters of non‑processed plasma

The latest publication from Dr Valés-Gómez group is now available in Journal of Nanobiotechnology. In this article they describe how to detect oncologic biomarkers in exosomes in just 12 microlitres of patients’ plasma. A high-throughput automatable method which allows the study of large cohorts of patients. The manuscript is freely available to the scientific community […]

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November 27, 2021

Special Issue on the Cell Biology of EVs open for submissions

Dr. María Yáñez-Mó and Dr Pia Siljander are Editing this Special Issue in European Journal of Cell Biology open for submissions until 31st December (flexible deadline 🙂

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November 27, 2021

Melanoma-derived small extracellular vesicles induce lymphangiogenesis and metastasis through an NGFR-dependent mechanism

Dr Héctor Peinado publishes in Nature Cancer the relevance of tumoral EV in metastasis and lymphangiogenesis. Congrats to all authors of this terrific work. All details at: https://rdcu.be/cB2V6 https://www.elespanol.com/ciencia/salud/20211125/golpe-espanol-cancer-bloquean-metastasis-melanoma-laboratorio/629937407_0.html

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